Jam.py documentation


on_open(item, params)

domain: server

language: python

class Item class


Write on_open event handler when you need to override the standard procedure of fetching the records from the dataset during the execution of the open method on the client or server.

See on_open_events to understand how on_open events are triggered.

The on_open event handler has the following parameters:

  • item - reference to the item,

  • params - dictionary containing parameters passed to the server by the open method:

    • __expanded - corresponds to the expanded parameter of the server open method / expanded attribute of options parameter of the client open method

    • __fields - list of field names

    • __filters - list of items, each of which is a list with the following members:

    • __funcs - functions dictionary

    • __order - list of items, each of which is a list with the following members:

      • field name

      • boolen value, if it is true the order is descending

    • __offset - corresponds to the offset parameter of the open method

    • __limit - corresponds to the limit parameter of the open method

    • __client_request - is true when request came from the client

    params can also include user defined parameters passed to the open method.

Below is an example of params that the client open methods of invoices items sends to the server:

    '__fields': [u'id', u'deleted', u'customer', u'firstname', u'date',
        u'subtotal', u'taxrate', u'tax', u'total',
        u'billing_address', u'billing_city', u'billing_country',
        u'billing_postal_code', u'billing_state'],
    '__filters': [[u'customer', 7, [6]]],
    '__expanded': True,
    '__limit': 11,
    '__offset': 0,
    '__order': [[u'date', True]]

    '__fields': [u'id'],
    '__funcs': {u'id': u'count'},
    '__filters': [],
    '__expanded': False,
    '__offset': 0,
    '__order': [],
    '__summary': True

The server application generates an SQL query, based on params and executes them.

The server returns to the client the resulting records and the error message if it occurs during the execution.

Here is an example how server events can be used