Jam.py documentation

Language translation

All language translations are stored in the langs.sqlite database in the “jam” folder in the package.


Therefore, if you made some changes to the translation database and installed a new version of the package, you will use the translation database of this package where there will be no changes made by you.

Please, export you translation to a file!!!

If you want your language translation to be included to Jam.py package, export it to a file and send it me, Andrew Yushev.

Please note that Jam.py is constantly evolving and by submitting your translation you agree to make the necessary changes in the future. If you don’t mind you will be included to the contributors list.


Do not change the following symbols %, %(item)s, %(field)s, %(filters)s

For example


Can’t delete the field %(field)s. It’s used in field definitions:%(fields)s

russian translation:

Нельзя удалить поле %(field)s. Используется в определении полей:%(fields)s