========== Parameters ========== After clicking on the **Parameters** button the Parameters Dialog will appear. It has two tabs **General** and **Interface**. General tab =========== .. image:: /admin/_images/parameters.png :align: center :alt: Project parameters dialog On the General tab, you can specify general parameters of the project: * **Production** - if this checkbox is checked, you will not be able to change the project database in Application Builder. * **Safe mode** - if safe mode is enabled, authentication is needed for user to work in the system (See :doc:`Users ` and :doc:`Roles ` ). * **Debugging** - if this checkbox is checked, the Werkzeug libarary bebugger will be invoked when an error on the server occurs. * **Language** - use it to open Language Dialog. See :doc:`Language support ` * **Persistent connection** - if this checkbox is checked the application creates a connection pool otherwise a connection is created before executing the sql query. * **Connection pool size** — the size of the server database connection pool. * **Compressed JS, CSS files** - If this button is checked the server returns compressed *js* and *css* files when *index.html* page is loaded. * **All JS modules in a single file** - If this checkbox is unchecked, the application will generate a javascript file in the project *js* folder for every item in the :doc:`task tree `, that has code in its Client module, with the name *item_name.js*, where *item_name* is the name of an item. Otherwise, the application will generate a javascript file with the name *task_name.js*, where *task_name* is the name of the project :doc:`task ` (for example *demo.js*), that will contain javascript code of all items, except items, whose **External js module** checkbox in the :doc:`Item Editor Dialog ` is checked (separate files will be created for them). * **Dynamic JS modules loading** - If this checkbox is unchecked and the application generates more than one javascript file, only file named *task_name.js* will be loaded when application is run. All other files must be loaded dynamically. See :doc:`Working with modules `. * **History item** - to specify item, that will store change history, see :doc:`Saving audit trail/change history made by users ` * **Session timeout (seconds)** - number of second of inactivity that is allowed before the session expires. * **Session ignore change ip** - if false, the session is only valid when it is accessed from the same ip address that created the session. * **Max content length (MB)** - use it to limit the total content length of the request to the server, in megabytes. * **Import delay (seconds)** - if set the application will wait the number of seconds set in the parameter before changing the project dataset while :doc:`importing project metadata ` , otherwise it waits for 5 minutes or until all previous request to the serverin the current process will be processed. * **Delete reports after (hours)** - if a value is specified the generated reports that are located in the static/reports folder will be deleted after specified number of hours have passed. * **Upload file extensions** - is an :doc:`Accept string ` that defines the types of files that could be uploaded to the server by the task :doc:`upload ` method. Uploading files that do not match these types is prohibited. * **Version** — specify the version of the project here. .. note:: When **Connection pool size** or **Persistent connection** parameters are changed, the server applicaton must be restarted for changes to take effect. Interface tab ============= .. image:: /admin/_images/parameters_interface.png :align: center :alt: parameters_interface.png On the Interface tab, you can specify interface parameters of the project: * **Theme** - use this parameter to select the theme of the project from one of predefined themes * **Small font** - if this button is checked, the default font size will be 12px, otherwise it is 14px * **Full width** - if this button is checked the project will fill the page width, without left and right margins * **Display forms in tabs** - if this button is checked, the forms will be opened tabs